

Monday, November 7, 2011

i am not going to live life vertically challenged

The title.
Is pretty self explanatory.

So i will not:
log onto gmail unless i HAVE to
log onto ANYTHING unless I have to
distract myself
start wandering off somewhere else
forget that I'm doing homework
come up with a story idea and then get trailed off and write for an hour or two
doodle on the corner of every paper for nearly thirty minutes
stare at the wall
dilly dally for like two hours after school
say I will start it 'tomorrow' (every day)

So I will:
try to be quick in everything
do as much homework in school as possible
come home and do homework as soon as I come home
try to somehow fit in jump-roping into my schedule so that I do not, the title, live life vertically challenged
I will still maintain a life.

Whew this is going to be hard because:

I am super slow
I am super duper slow.
I am super duper mooper cooper pooper slow.
I don't like fast,
unless you get a prize.
:D prize!

If I do this for a week, I will earn a piece of candy.

HAHA! My plan is flawless now! It is perfect, foolproof, THE way to get yourself to do homework before eleven!

I will make it a contract.

Celine Choo

Dangit, there's no script font in blogger. D:

...I just realized. Making this post is breaking all of the rules.


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