1. Cook (bake, actually) cookies or muffins.
(Unfortunately, our oven is broken, so this option is not one I will probably take.)
2. Draw
(With the tablet, or with a pencil.)
3. Take pictures
(My brother has confiscated it for his own use. COUGHlegoCOUGH.)
4. Blog
(What I am doing at the moment.)
5. Play around with the blog
Games are overrated.
Except for Anipang. :D
7. Watch a movie
$25 Gift Card expired. I'm back to my cheap self. FREE APPS FTW.
11. Write a story
12. Learn some more html
Or readabout/learnabout/try comp sci.
13. Read some classical books—any books, for that matter.
-.- How old was I when I wrote that latter sentence? For more details? What details are there to read about? I'm just trying to tell you my other blog. -.-
14. Sleep.
Oh, beautiful, beautiful, ever-lasting, end-less sleep
that gets disturbed by beeeeeeps every morning. D:
And intruded by homework, tasks, chores, and essays.
And speeches.
15. Aimlessly search the internet.
Not suggested.
20. Study some
21. Eat candy
Chocolate, rather.
22. Eat.
Kind of necessary, don’t you think? Unless you’d like to fall on the floor due to malnutrition or dehydration.
(I don’t mean eat right now, at the moment. Eat in general.)
No more Pepero. D:
24. Censored Censored, may get me in jail.
^The helium does that mean? I don't even remember writing this.
(Note: "The helium" is an equivalent of "what the helium," an appropriate replacement for "what the heck" and other variants that I shall not specifically mention due to some profane words.)
25. Did you notice I repeated number 2 twice? And I switched four and three.
26. Just kidding. :D
27. Drink some tea. Or cocoa. Or…
28. Jumprope
29. Bother mother.
Probable. In fact, quite appealing.
30. Get off the computer and do something worth-while.
Not too likely.
31. Study for the SATs
(Oh now the dreaded SATs because I'm in high school now and that means I have to do SATs because high school practically means SATs when it comes to certain people's points of view.)
32. Do some maths.
(Wait that's pretty much number 20. Whatevs.)
33. Draw on PHONE (because there's this nice drawing app on my phone which is awesome.)
34. Read some magazines. (Like Popular Science or Time or something.)
35. Stop procrastinating.
May have put a procrastinating-something up in the list somewhere, but not gonna bother looking to see if it is.
Besides. Procrastinating is a pretty big obstacle in many adolescents' lives and successes these days. It's good that I repeat it twice (if I even did).
(After checking: Nope. Haven't repeated it. Though 30 seems somewhat synonymous to this.)
That probably made no sense to you.
36. Practice Piano.
Did I really forget to put this up before??? I can't believe it.
Piano's pretty important. T.T
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