

Awesome Stuff List

Note--this is not in most-wanted order. It is in the order of chronologically typed-in. Otherwise I'd have to go crazy reorganizing the list every time I have a new finding. And most of these stuff I don't exactly want want. More like, it would be nice to have, but not necessary AT ALL. Basically, a list of cool stuff.

1. Labbit Stache Bunny ($100+)
Too expensive. Don't even want it that much anyhow.

2. Green Pea Bean! (~$6)
I already have the tiger bean. Collect 'em all! :D

3. Embossing Stuff
I definitely don't need, never will get probably. But still an awesome thing. I find embossing such a COOL COOL COOLCOOLCOOL AWESOME idea or invention or whatever. So just decided to put it up here.

4. Fountain Pen

5. A life (~Effort)
Nahh. Too expensive.
(I don't know why I wrote this but I'll just leave it here for now... >.<)

6. Wacom Inkling
SO SOSOSOSOSOSOOSSOSOSOSOSOSSO AWESOME. (Looks up to number 3 and finds another keyboard spasm. xD) It's the BEST INVENTION OF ALL TIME. (Better than embossing. ew. Why'd I do that?) <--Click here for video.

7. A Typewriter
I know, it's old fashioned, and it's just old in general. But still! A typewriter! It's so cool! The old-fashioned-ness is really what's attracting me to it. I sort of like antique-y stuff, you know.
I'd just like to type away at a typewriter and feel all fancy.
(Grrr. Just google 'typewriter' or go to amazon and search typewriter if you really want a link.)

Also, did you know? Typewriter is the longest word you can type whose letters are all in the same row on a QWERTY keyboard.
(I mean, that's what my planner told me--you know, how it gives you a new fact every week? Yeah.. From fifth grade.)

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