


Welcome, Welcome. This is a blog of Rants, Wishes, and What-nots. I have musings, thoughts, stories, and rants to share, all around.
My pseudonym is...
Yes. I have this thing with pseudonyms, and I change it very often, and currently, my most-used pseudonym is Indigo, next to Timothy Turtle, which is another story.

I am a (currently) high schooler who is, yes, Asian. And that's it. That is all I will reveal in all posts of my blog, and all you will ever get. So back away, stalkers. Be warned.

Anyhow, I have random 'sudden realizations' quite often, and 'story ideas' pop into my head at the most unexpected occasions, which I either forget, or tuck away in my brain for writing down later. But that's on another blog that I have, dedicated to writing, here.

I like reading, writing, drawing, and music. I have lots of favorite books, not a lot of favorite movies, and many favorite authors.
For more information about me drawing, go here.

I have a pet stuffed carrot named Sir Carrot. He is from Carrelot and is one of the gallant, brave knights of the Vege Table. Currently, he is on a quest and is off duty; consulting and requesting times are from 7:00 to 8:00, Eastern Time, at his office. But right now, he's on a quest (like I said a sentence ago), and he won't be able to get back to his many (two) fans. If you'd like to contact either Sir Carrot or me, go to the gates of Hogwarts and make sure to bring your wand. When a tired looking girl asks you "What time is it?" You must answer with the code word, "Teddy-Bear."
Then, the person will escort you to the place where Sir Carrot and I are resting at the moment.

I am attending Student High School, majoring in Procrastination and Student Psychology, as well as minors in Writing and Fine Arts.
(You probably might want to know that was a joke, by the way.)

My hobbies are... doodling, playing piano, and drawing lines.
(Yes, drawing lines.)

My favorite food is Korean food, and my favorite color is pastel green. (Actually, all pastel colors.)
My favorite medium of art is 8B pencil and ink pen. My favorite my favorite my favorite my favorite.
My favorite place is Barnes N Noble, and my bed.

(Credits for the header of this blog and the drawings and the tabs (which I actually made myself, 100%, even down to the html programming) goes to Indigo, whoever she may be.)
(Yes, I do some basic html.)
(And blogger's annoying, by the way. They change the image source a lot. Decoding doesn't work. Javascript does. Thanks to my tech-savvy father, I've figured it out. (More like, he did, with me biting my nails looking at him fixing it.) But yes, if Blogger wasn't annoying, I'd have figured it out. I'm sounding snobby, aren't I. Ignore me. I am not here.)

(That's what the parentheses are for, anyways.)

Thanks for reading my blog, though I'm not exactly looking for more followers, because this is sort of a rant-blog for my friends and me, remembering funny moments and keeping track of rant subjects, whatnot. (Technically mostly for me, because not much of my friends read this anyhow...) But if you'd like to follow, you're welcome to (it's at the left sidebar, you'll see it), because I have nothing against it(, I mean, please follow my blog......? Well, I'm not that desperate, so if you don't want to, you don't have to, but have you ever heard of 'the more the merrier?' Okay I'm just sounding stupid. I might put some parentheses to let you ignore that now). <--I put parentheses.

Well, anyhow, on any point, hello, this is Indigo's rant blog.

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