

Bucket List

1. Learn Japanese

2. Learn Spanish (in the process).

3. Perfect Korean (in the process) so much that people think I'm from Korea.

4. Maintain Korean culture, heritage, customs, and beliefs. And food<3.

5. Find the meaning of life. sorry, but there is no meaning of life, bud. (i have a nihilist theory on life now.)

6. Enjoy life.

7. Not commit suicide.

8. Do something to change the world.


10. Improve my vocabulary, ace the SATs, and somehow get into a decent college. Maybe a good one... ^^* Hopefully, rather.

11. Have an awesome job that I actually like and not what my parents want.

12. I can't avoid making a huge mistake-of-my-life, because everyone makes one of those, but I hope that I learn from it and never make a similar MOML again.

13. Finish the stuff on this bucket list.

14. Check if bucket list is the right term.

15. Find out why it's called a bucket list.
Hurhur you can go to the comments to see M's explanation. (:

16. Go a day without getting distracted during homework.

17. Grow tall! :D

18. Learn to forget about what others think; rid of peer pressure. Be free so that I do not care whether people like me or not, but rather whether I like myself or not.

19. Let people realize that number 18 is not a selfish statement at all.

20. Spread to others that college is not the point of life.

21. Try not to fail and then get murdered by someone who absolutely disagrees with my opinion.


23. Find lots of cool stuff wrong with my brain.

24. Stop thinking negatively about things such as number 23, although I would like to achieve that goal.

25. Live in Korea one day.

26. Earn the title of Artist one day.

27. Live in San Fransisco one day, too.


  1. It's called a bucket list because in colonial america, people who were being hanged would have to stand on buckets with the nooses around their necks. When the bucket was kicked away, the noose would tighten and the people would die.
    So people say "to kick the bucket", which means "to die". A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you "kick the bucket" (die).

    now you know, and can cross that off your list!

    1. Thanks, Maya!
      You told me in school XD but I never really got around to editing my blog.



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