

Monday, March 26, 2012

Update: Operation Nail

Well, Operation Nail (so I’ve come to name it), is not going well.

It is only the something-eth day, perhaps the fourth or fifth or third day, but I have peeled off all of the nail polish except for one finger. It started when half of the nail polish on one of my fingers was gone. It was SOOOO tempting.
So I could not resist uh

“finishing the work.”

Then I had to


‘finish the work’ for eight other fingers.

Currently the nail on my fourth finger on my left hand is still covered in nail polish. The other nine are not.



I’m starting to doubt if this works, but at least I haven’t picked at my nails yet.

Only, since I have unpeeled the nail polish, I am starting to get a bit more tempted.


Must. Put. Nail. Polish. On. Before. Mother. Notices.


GAHHHH please wish my nails luck. They are desperate.


Well, that’s my update so far on Operation Nail.

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