

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tea Brewer!

I have an AWESOME idea. It’s an ATB. It’s an Automatic Tea Brewer. I bet you can make these by assembling things related to clocks, to ovens, and then somehow make it work. ANd WALAH! IS THE TEA BREWER! But although making the actual invention may be important, coming up with the idea is as important. You can have all the knowledge and material to make this amazing invention that will help the world, but just not have that idea of that particular amazing invention in your head.

But of course, the other way around, you can have an awesome invention, yet not have the information. But then again, you can just seek, experiment, and find the information you need.



The Automatic Tea Brewer is an idea I inspired myself with. Well, and tea.


Ever wished your mom had your tea ready and waiting every day, so that you could just drink the tea at leisure the minute you came home? But she’s outside working.

Well, here is an excellent solution!

Try the ATB today! Imean, the Automatic Tea Brewer?

Wondering what it is?

No? Well, I’ll tell you anyway. THE AUTOMATIC TEA BREWER is an AMAZING product that you, yes you, can install into your stove so that all you have to do is fill the teapot with water in the morning, and come back with the water steaming and hot, ready to be made into tea!

All you have to do is take apart your oven/stove, install some clock part stuff, and then reassemble your oven! Not too hard, if you just follow the instructions without killing yourself!

What it will essentially do is the clock parts, which are the parts that create the alarm to ring at a certain time, will turn on the stove at a certain time. That way, at exactly 3:00, thirty minutes before you come home, your stove will turn on, and the water inside the teapot will start to boil.

When it is 3:20, ten minutes before you come home, the stove will automatically turn off with the second alarm part.

Then, the water can cool for 10 minutes (tea tastes best at a certain temperature), so that when you come home, all you have to do is add the tea leaves, pour the water into the tea-pot thingy, and then wait for only about ten minutes to have nice, warm tea!

Even better, if you like your tea hotter, or if you like your tea cooler, of if you like longer-boiled tea, whatever it may be, you can edit and change those boiling-times and cooling-times to the way you want!


That’s my idea. Of course, I don’t know how to make it. Sure would be cool if I did.

If any of you people out there know how to make it, please tell me. Not that I’m the sort of person to go to Lowes and buy some tools to take apart the stove and oven, but you know. Just so I know.  C:


Not that anyone reads this besides me, anyhow.

:D Hasta luego, mis amigos!

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