

Friday, March 16, 2012

Deviled Eggs


Sorry had to.

Well, today, this Friday, as I used to every Friday a while ago, I made some food. Unfortunately, my mother had made salsa and chips, so everyone was munching on that while I was pathetically making—yes—deviled eggs!

I read it in lots and lots of books, and it always mentioned the delicious-ness of it, so I wondered, how does it taste like? (At this context, you should realize I have never eaten deviled eggs before.)

So, I went on (now that I go on it so much, I just made an account. :D) and searched ‘deviled eggs.’ Obviously, there were quite a few of them.

I saw a short video by, where this creepy-happy man keeps guiding you through the recipe (obviously). He had a very good idea of candied peppers.

And I combined that recipe with the recipe that had four stars (out of five) and six hundred something reviews. Obviously it’s better than the four stars with eight reviews.

It’s really easy. There’s technically no need for a recipe. For every three eggs, you need one tablespoon of mayo, and half a teaspoon of everything else. Imean, not even half a teaspoon, because technically it depends on your taste.

The ‘everything else’ list is:
hot sauce (:D also the creepy-happy man’s idea)

What you do is you boil the eggs, you peel the boiled eggs, and then you cut them in half vertically, into two long, congruent (symmetrical, however you want to put it) slices. You then pop out the white yolk parts, mash them in a bowl, and dump in the mayo and everything else. (See the ‘everything else’ list for details.)

You mix it all up with a fork or spoon or whatever utensil you’d like.

Then, you put the yellowy mixture into the empty white-part-of-the-boiled-egg.

Only, I came up with an idea. Obviously, I don’t have ‘dispensable tube thingy whatever they’re called’ laying around, so I used a small plastic bag (those short, horizontal ones), and I cut off the tip of the bag just a very little bit, so that the hole is perhaps three eighths of an inch wide.

I dumped in a spoonful of the yolk-mayo-everythingelse mixture, and closed the bag just a little bit so that it doesn’t spill out of the bag, and then squeezed the bag so that the mixture could come out of the tip of the bag like icing. I made a swirly motion when putting the yolk-mixture into the white part of the boiled egg. Then it made a pretty design!

Then, I took a little bit of peppers (any kind, in fact. Bell pepper, sweet pepper, whatever it is) and diced them into small pieces and put them aside.

Then, I boiled a little bit of water (that was left in the teapot) just to about a medium simmer or whatever you call it. I put about a tablespoon or half of sugar into a very small cup, and poured in just enough water to wet the sugar. (Not too much water—it has to be syrupy.) Mixing it around for a few seconds will melt most of the sugar, and if you have OCD like me, you put it in the microwave for about five or seven seconds. (Or six.)

Then, after stirring a bit more, you put the diced peppers into the sugar-syrup mixture. Swirl it around a bit, put a bit more sugar, put it in the microwave for six more seconds, whatever.

Then, you take a small spoon that will fit comfortably inside the cup, and scoop out just three or four of the diced peppers and place it gently on top of the deviled-egg yolk mixture (which should be in the white-egg thing). Maybe press it down gently to make sure the peppers don’t fall off.

And if there’s some syrup left, just take an eighth of a teaspoon, a very tiny bit, and put it on top of the peppers, just to make it more shiny and sweet.

And walah! Your deviled egg is done.

Credits go to:

And the video:

Here are my finished pictures:
Deviled Egg Plate

Deviled Eggs Macros

Deviled Eggs

I especially love the second picture because it’s using macros and I love macros. And it looks so appealing and perfect.

They look so pretty!

Okay, I’ll stop self-complimenting my pictures.

Macros makes everything bad look good. I guess when you look close up, things aren’t as bad.

(Or maybe sometimes if you look close up, things aren’t as good.)



…have a nice day!


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