

Saturday, March 31, 2012

On Top of the World







And I’m writing an essay for this writing competition thingy, and I think that you should join, too!

Imean, it’s too late for this year’s, but next year. (The essay’s due today by 11:59.)

It’s called sejong something I forget ( And luckily, it’s not in Korean. It’s open to all races, cultures, nationalities, and age. Well,

up to eighth grade. So I’m at the advantage here.


I don’t think I’m going to win, but it’s free (admission), and it’s better to do something than nothing.


That’s it for today.


Thursday, March 29, 2012



I have moved my workstation.

I have gone up a few levels.

Doesn’t that sound good?

It sounds like I’ve been promoted.


Well, I’m sorry to say, I’m not that old.

I have just moved my workspace from the basement to my room, which is the second floor. (Basement is Floor 0.)

I have moved my computer thingy, my backpack, and etc. upstairs.

I am now in my room.


It’s messy. D’;


But it’s warmer than the basement. :3


I hope my moving-of-workstation is beneficial towards my work.

I hope.



That’s all I have today.


Oh, and update on Operation Nail: I repainted them, except for my pinky. Pinky is special. :D


Until then,

[Insert Signature Here]

Monday, March 26, 2012

Update: Operation Nail

Well, Operation Nail (so I’ve come to name it), is not going well.

It is only the something-eth day, perhaps the fourth or fifth or third day, but I have peeled off all of the nail polish except for one finger. It started when half of the nail polish on one of my fingers was gone. It was SOOOO tempting.
So I could not resist uh

“finishing the work.”

Then I had to


‘finish the work’ for eight other fingers.

Currently the nail on my fourth finger on my left hand is still covered in nail polish. The other nine are not.



I’m starting to doubt if this works, but at least I haven’t picked at my nails yet.

Only, since I have unpeeled the nail polish, I am starting to get a bit more tempted.


Must. Put. Nail. Polish. On. Before. Mother. Notices.


GAHHHH please wish my nails luck. They are desperate.


Well, that’s my update so far on Operation Nail.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Last Attempt

My fingernails will die soon, if I continue.

Continue what, do you ask?

Continue killing them.

According to my mother, although I myself do not know for sure, because I am so used to it, my fingernails look scary.

Well, I thought they were normal, but after looking at my mom’s fingernails and my brother’s fingernails and my dad’s fingernails, I realized that maybe my fingernails are a bit unique.

Because I torture my nails.

So then my mother threatened to take me to the NAIL SHOP THINGYMAJIGER to get it ‘done.’ I have no idea. She said that once I realize what it looks like normal (with nail polish on it. D;), I won’t pick at it.

I do not want to go to a nail shop thingymajiger. I do not. I don’t know about you, but I do not want a stranger looking at my scary nails and fixing them for me and stuff, I don’t know, it just gives me a weird feeling.

So I begged her no, that I’d just put nail polish on my nails by myself and then I’ll just fix it somehow like that.

And then, although I thought we did not have nail polish, I found some in my mother’s room. So I used it.


So my misson has begun.

My last attempt to not kill my nails.

Apparently, it’s not good for the nail-health.

Do you really need surgery at one point? I don’t believe that one.


Well, anyhow, wish my nails luck, because they are dying.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


There is no mirror in life. That is what makes me so sad.

People cannot see their own mistakes, like a mirror. They can only see others. There is no mirror in life.

It’s sad. Because there is a mirror for appearance, we find ourselves interested in appearance as well as our outerwear. What I wear, what I look like.

But do we often look at our personalities in the mirror? Maybe it is because there is no such mirror, that we do not do this often.

So often do people criticize others while, if they had looked in the mirror, they would probably realize that they are criticizing themselves as well.

Sometimes I think this.

Do I like myself?

And this is not that kind of question, where it is to measure your self esteem or that kind of crab.

I mean, if I was someone else, would I like me? So there were two of me, only I didn’t know the other me was me, would I like me? Would I?

I don’t know.

I don’t think so.


Well, if you wouldn’t, that probably means that (1) you need to start fixing yourself, and (2) you are a hypocrite.

I’d just like to drop in and say that.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Life is a race. But it is not a race to where, but in fact, to what. It is that what that determines whether you are a winner, or you are not.
It does not matter where in the race you start, because it is not to where you go, but to what. So think about that what and remember. It is not to where. No rush. Time is. Time will never disappear.

Is this true?




{Look familiar? Was in this post:}

Friday, March 16, 2012

Deviled Eggs


Sorry had to.

Well, today, this Friday, as I used to every Friday a while ago, I made some food. Unfortunately, my mother had made salsa and chips, so everyone was munching on that while I was pathetically making—yes—deviled eggs!

I read it in lots and lots of books, and it always mentioned the delicious-ness of it, so I wondered, how does it taste like? (At this context, you should realize I have never eaten deviled eggs before.)

So, I went on (now that I go on it so much, I just made an account. :D) and searched ‘deviled eggs.’ Obviously, there were quite a few of them.

I saw a short video by, where this creepy-happy man keeps guiding you through the recipe (obviously). He had a very good idea of candied peppers.

And I combined that recipe with the recipe that had four stars (out of five) and six hundred something reviews. Obviously it’s better than the four stars with eight reviews.

It’s really easy. There’s technically no need for a recipe. For every three eggs, you need one tablespoon of mayo, and half a teaspoon of everything else. Imean, not even half a teaspoon, because technically it depends on your taste.

The ‘everything else’ list is:
hot sauce (:D also the creepy-happy man’s idea)

What you do is you boil the eggs, you peel the boiled eggs, and then you cut them in half vertically, into two long, congruent (symmetrical, however you want to put it) slices. You then pop out the white yolk parts, mash them in a bowl, and dump in the mayo and everything else. (See the ‘everything else’ list for details.)

You mix it all up with a fork or spoon or whatever utensil you’d like.

Then, you put the yellowy mixture into the empty white-part-of-the-boiled-egg.

Only, I came up with an idea. Obviously, I don’t have ‘dispensable tube thingy whatever they’re called’ laying around, so I used a small plastic bag (those short, horizontal ones), and I cut off the tip of the bag just a very little bit, so that the hole is perhaps three eighths of an inch wide.

I dumped in a spoonful of the yolk-mayo-everythingelse mixture, and closed the bag just a little bit so that it doesn’t spill out of the bag, and then squeezed the bag so that the mixture could come out of the tip of the bag like icing. I made a swirly motion when putting the yolk-mixture into the white part of the boiled egg. Then it made a pretty design!

Then, I took a little bit of peppers (any kind, in fact. Bell pepper, sweet pepper, whatever it is) and diced them into small pieces and put them aside.

Then, I boiled a little bit of water (that was left in the teapot) just to about a medium simmer or whatever you call it. I put about a tablespoon or half of sugar into a very small cup, and poured in just enough water to wet the sugar. (Not too much water—it has to be syrupy.) Mixing it around for a few seconds will melt most of the sugar, and if you have OCD like me, you put it in the microwave for about five or seven seconds. (Or six.)

Then, after stirring a bit more, you put the diced peppers into the sugar-syrup mixture. Swirl it around a bit, put a bit more sugar, put it in the microwave for six more seconds, whatever.

Then, you take a small spoon that will fit comfortably inside the cup, and scoop out just three or four of the diced peppers and place it gently on top of the deviled-egg yolk mixture (which should be in the white-egg thing). Maybe press it down gently to make sure the peppers don’t fall off.

And if there’s some syrup left, just take an eighth of a teaspoon, a very tiny bit, and put it on top of the peppers, just to make it more shiny and sweet.

And walah! Your deviled egg is done.

Credits go to:

And the video:

Here are my finished pictures:
Deviled Egg Plate

Deviled Eggs Macros

Deviled Eggs

I especially love the second picture because it’s using macros and I love macros. And it looks so appealing and perfect.

They look so pretty!

Okay, I’ll stop self-complimenting my pictures.

Macros makes everything bad look good. I guess when you look close up, things aren’t as bad.

(Or maybe sometimes if you look close up, things aren’t as good.)



…have a nice day!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Post Pi Day

Of course, although it may be a bit late, here it is.

I was told, by a friend, let’s say, her name is E. Well, E told me the day before, that she was bringing two pies. TWO WHOLE PIES. Key lime, and peach. The wonders!

And it was also known that another friend, let’s say, J, was supposed to bring a cookie pie. (Yes, human beings of this world, there is such thing as a cookie pie. I just found out on Tuesday or Wednesday. Don’t worry, you’re not that behind in modernization.)

So just then, I knew that there would be three pies at the Pi Day Party. That is—if Mr. V would allow us.

We did not care. Bring pie to class, watch our teacher shake in rage, fume, and break out into a spasm—a spectacle!

Bring pie to class, watch our teacher look at us helplessly, give in, and eat pie—a wonder!

So either way, it was a win-win sort of thing. Only… the second win was a bit more winnier.


The thing was—there was no plates.

What were we to do—eat off the table? eat with our hands? Paper plates—literally?

With this in mind, I went to school. I then, came up with a sort of brilliant idea—to take plates from the school cafeteria!

Only—I couldn’t just take eighteen plates off the table-thingy. It would be kind of--


So what was I to do?

The only way to get plates without being noticed, was to buy pizza.

Only—if I put the pizza on the plate, it would be a dirty plate.

So—could I ‘accidentally’ take another plate, under it?

But could I ‘accidentally’ take eighteen plates?

This raced through my mind on the bus ride to school.

At school, I realized, that with a few of my friends, we might actually achieve this ‘accidental’ stealing of plates. If they all bought pizza, that is.

So at lunch, we did just that. We casually walked over to the pizza place thingy majiger, took six plates, and put pizza on the topmost plate.

We passed by, buying the pizza, with no suspicion.

It was hilarious, because the lunch person who was looking at our pizza, thinking, ‘Buoy, these kids are loving pizza today,’ don’t actually realize that there are five plates under the plate she was looking at.

And then we found that we were four plates short. Obviously, we couldn’t just go up and buy another pizza, and neither could we go up and just take the plates and walk away—could we?

So, we found that a table away, another classmate was sitting with his friends—only he wasn’t exactly the best of friends with us, you know…? It would be awkward to ask him to take four plates.

But of course, one of our friends is very—socially unawkward, to put it that way, and just shouted, (let’s call him ‘JL.’) "HEY JL! JL!”

And he turned around.


Obviously, if you hear someone you barely know (not even in your math class) to steal plates from the lunch line, you don’t suddenly oblige. Obviously.

So most predictably, he did not.

She then caught his attention again, and shouting again, “JL! JL! GET PLATES! JUST PLATES! FROM THE PIZZA LINE!”

And the whole time, I was saying, “Comeon, that’s mean! Don’t make him do that.”

And suddenly he got up, went over to the lunch-place-thingy, and seemed to go in the direction of the lunch line thing, and walked over to the pizza-area where the plates were--

and walked by, went to the line, and bought chips.

At this aggravation, my socially unawkward friend said, “HEY JL! WHY DIDN’T YOU GET THE PLATES?”

And he replied, “There aren’t enough for eighteen.”

She said, “We only need four! Four! Four! Just four!”

And suddenly, he got up, went to the line, took four plates, and just walked back.

I guess the lunch aids are nearsighted. And so are the lunch clerks, because he came over, unnoticed, with four plates.

Wow, did I even think that he would be the one abetting us in this sort of deed.

Well, point being, we had our eighteen plates.

We then continued on our “Operation Pi,” which I appropriately named just as we were on our plan B.

Plan B, was that a friend and I would ‘sign out’ to ‘Band.’ (We’re allowed to do that.) We would be the ‘usual band-geeks’ who go to band nearly every day (well, before the audition, anyway).

We would then walk outside with the eighteen plates and ‘go to Band.’

The question was, would the lunch aids question the number of plates at hand?

Why, I brought it from home!

And what could they say? “YOU STOLE THEM FROM THE PIZZA LINE!”

Obviously not. It would be absurd. They wouldn’t dream of that.

So we confidently signed out to band, me holding the eighteen plates, trying to look as innocent as possible. We then left the lunch room, turning left, which is the direction to the band room. When it seemed that it was ‘unsuspicious,’ we crawled under the windows of the lunch-room doors (so the lunch aids don’t see us walk the other way), and ran full-speed to the lockers. (There was a teacher there, walking down the hallway. I wonder if they suspected anything. Oh well.)

On our “Operation Pi,” my friend and I casually walked over to another friend’s locker, who was also part of “Operation Pi,” and had the closest locker to the lunch room.

Having memorized her combination, I opened her locker, stuffed the plates in, and then we ran back to the lunch room, prepared to say “The band teacher didn’t want us there—he had a high school band lesson” if the lunch aids ever questioned our return.

Operation Pi—DONE!

Well, the first part, anyway.


Ninth period, during math, I walked inside, and Mr. Vallo was helplessly handing out the plates (how funny was it that just five periods ago, we were taking them from the pizza line thingy), and handing out the cookie pie that J had bought.

Now, my other friend E, as I said, had brought in two pies in consideration of the wonderful occasion, but our wimpy math teacher said, “No, no, this is more than enough. More than enough.”

He looked all bewildered and scared.

It was strange.



And think of M, who did not get to eat pie!

So, this occasion was a half-success (in stealing plates, which was actually fun), and a half-fail (we did not eat the TWO WHOLE PIES.)

So the half success and half fail cancel each other out, so today was an ordinary day.


whew- I got that story out.

Happy late pi day! Let’s hope Mr. V won’t stay a wimp his whole life! :D

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Here is the long history of Pi. On March fourteenth, also the birth date of the great EINSTEIN, is the day to commemorate, remember, and acknowledge the wonders of Pi.
Pi is circumference divided by diameter.
This wondrous definition not only defines what it is, but it was also a subject in which we learned in Math class. Yes, human beings, we are in Honors Geometry.
Here is a nice statement, derived from a few others, and concluded through transitive property of equality.
Circles=diameter and circumference.
Diameter and circumference=Pi.
Therefore, would it not make the most sense to celebrate Pi Day, on March Fourteenth, in Math class? IMEAN—The Algebra class is celebrating it, and they’re learning polynomials! (This very good argument and reason was stated by Rachel X. Must give credit.)
Then why, why, Mr. V (Let’s just use this letter, V, to represent my math teacher’s surname. To keep his and our privacy at the utmost restricted-ness.), are you refusing to celebrate pi day?
Is it not relevant? Had we not all failed the circles test a chapter before?
Are we not good students? Do we not deserve a nice day off, with some Pi, circumference, and diameter? And pie?
Of course, our beloved teacher Mr. V, says in the most monotonous, humdrum voice ever—“No.”
(Actually it was more of a bewildered, nervous ‘No,’ but I’d like to keep things at a dramatic level.)
We were aghast—devastated by this reply. We had only been expecting one of two answers—maybe even both—either “OF COURSE!” or “Why not?”
“No” was not an answer we had thought of, at all.
Yet, the truth was bleak, and we were to have no day reserved to worship Pi and its wonders.
But we did not give up! I, proud student of Geometry class, decided to make a PROTEST. A PEACEFUL PI PROTEST for Pi Day. What we would do, is create picket signs, and march down the hallway to the front of Mr. V’s room with our signs, chanting “PI DAY! PI DAY!” Like they do in football games, or when you want someone to go up in front of the class and do something, and everyone starts chanting his or her name.
With this wondrous dream in mind, I went to my Band Lesson, ignored the meaning of the term ‘Band Lesson,’ and gathered supplies. I took my band teacher’s stapler, and his sharpie, and some paper. My two friends and I dutifully marched into the lunchroom (not seen, thanks to the Lunch Aids’ nearsightedness), grabbed a whole bunch of plastic spoons off the rack thingy, and then marched outside and ran at full speed to the band room. Spoon-stealery is not the best of crimes, you know.
We then unwrapped twelve spoons, decorated and created the signs on paper, stapled them to the spoons (actually, we folded the paper in half and stapled the edges so that the spoon, which was in between the folded-paper-halves, would not fall out). We created twelve magnificent Peaceful Pi Protest Picket Poster Signs, full with reasons, demands, and wishes on them. Creativity, determination, and hard-work.
We then took more of the band teacher’s items by asking for a plastic bag (which, was initially a joke, but it turned out he actually had one), and putting the signs in the plastic bag to use on the glorious day of the protest. I then informed (almost, except for the obnoxiously arrogant genius match peoples, who did not seem to care whether they had class or not) all the Geometry Students about the Peaceful Pi Protest and the Picket Signs.
They seemed halfheartedly delighted, so I was happy.
Word spread around the school (among the nerd-Asians in my grade), and soon, most of the people knew of the Protest. I then passed out the signs we had created, gave them the directions on how to execute our plan, and then hoped for the best.
The following Monday, I walked out of Physical Education Class with anxiety and hope. I was late.
All of the kids participating in the protest were dutifully standing awkwardly outside of the door, not sure whether to go in or not. They all had their pathetically small signs with sharpie scribbled over them, and they were laughing nervously and awkwardly, asking “Where’s (My name here)? Where’s (My name here)?”
And upon seeing me, they were ready to PROTEST. It was just in time, because Mr. V, who was wondering where three fourths of the class was, came outside to see us standing awkwardly, waiting for directions from a protester.
Seeing Mr. V, I nervously said, “Pi day protest……?”
And we were all half-heartedly, laughing-ly, un-seriously saying, “Pi day. Pi day. Pi day… Pi day…. Pi day….?”
We were laughing, because it was so awkward, and the voice was not strong. It was weak. For our math teacher asked, “What is this?”
I was horrified. Did he not recognize this act of peace and negotiation from his students? How could he not recognize a simple protest? Was our protest that weak and bad?
The bleak truth was that, yes, it was. It was awkward, and quite unorganized. We were awkwardly crowding around the door saying “Pi day.”
He then asked, “Are you guys coming inside now?”
Then, after a moment of hesitation, a protester said firmly (with a slight giggle) “No!”
“Do I have to give you the answer?”
“…I’ll think about it.”
“No, that’s not an answer!”
“Guys, you have to come in!”
But we went inside anyway.

This was the Pi Day Protest.

And Mr. V did not keep to his word. We planned the Pi Day celebration, yet he did not keep to his word. (Today, 1/4 of the class was gone, because of a field trip, so we agreed to celebrate it on Thursday.) Today, he said, “We’re not celebrating pi day.”
Because we had taken some food and Pie from another teacher, who, even at the end of the day, had two whole unopened pies.
Can we believe it? This rash act of betrayal and ignorance? How important is Pi Day to us Geometry Students?
(It means missing a period of class, for food. :D)
So, we secretly agreed to bring the food tomorrow anyway, because we already bought the food.

I will tell you how it goes tomorrow.


So recently I got some new songs on my iPod. It’s because of KPOPSTAR, which is a TV show/program thing in Korea to find and ‘raise’ potential super K-pop stars. And in the program, are three ‘judges.’ They are from the three major Kpop companies—SM, YG, and JYP. From SM is representative judge BOA, from YG is 양현석, and from JYP is, obviously, JYP (박진영).

I found out more about the kpop groups—Super Junior, Big Bang, you know. This was all in my mind.

On one fine, boring day, I wanted something new to play on the piano. So I went surfing on the web for some good sheet music. And I found that this user-name person, something with Star7something, whatever. He/she had created a sheet-music piano version of Lonely by 2NE1. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not a K-Pop freak. But I’m not anti, either. Imean, I’m Korean! How can I hate my own culture—or what’s becoming the culture? I actually like K-pop, but not K-pop. I don’t say, “I love kpop” like some people do. Not that it’s bad. Just that I don’t do that. I like certain groups or singers in K-pop, more so near just Korean music. And they have to be able to sing. And honestly, boy/girl groups with like ten billion people in it and stuff—they’re all pretty or handsome and all, but you listen to their music.

I like music that actually means something to me, or sounds good. Something with a melody, so that it can get stuck in my head. Imean, I’ve never had a rap stuck in my head before.

Despite these restrictions, I’ve found myself quite interseted in 2NE1, from YG. Especially their song, Lonely, and also Ugly. It’s quite good. I listen to it a lot these days.

And branching off into just generally the YG company-ness, I remembered (I can’t say ‘discovered,’ because I already knew they existed, liked them quite a bit already, actually) Big Bang. Their songs are very very good, and they are very very good at singing, and I have to admit, some of those people aren’t the ugliest, either.
…forget that last fragment.

Anyhow, I found that their recent music, like ‘Blue,’ ‘Love Dust,’ and ‘Fantastic Baby’ are pretty catchy. I’m tone-deaf, but if you could see me at random intervals of the day at home, I’d most likely be singing. Because in front of your family, nothing’s embarrassing. (Except perhaps, yourself in your birthday suit.)  These days, it’s either 2NE1 or Big Bang.

And I’ve cleaned out my iPod of old songs and stuff, and I got some new 2NE1 songs and Big Bang. I was looking through the iTunes store for what they (2NE1 and Big Bang) had out recently.

Pretty good songs.

I like those two groups. Very decent.

Listening to my iPod on the high school bus these days. Day-light’s savings makes it scarily dark outside, so music is always a friend of mine to stop me from looking behind me for potential murderers every five seconds.

Actually it just helps me a little, because I look behind me for potential murderers every ten seconds. But it’s exercise for my neck, right? Let’s be positive.

…yeah right.


Oh, and. Happy Pi Day!

Friday, March 9, 2012

meh. D:

^That post, about my stupid rubiks cube that won’t solve? Well, it turned out, my brother sort of switched the stickers. D:

This happened like a month ago, and I don’t know why I’m posting this. But, you know.

Just so those of you nonexistent people-who-read-this-blog might want to be informed.




Gotta learn Adobe stuff someday. Illustrator and After Effects. My swf files are all messed up. D:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wish List: Fountain Pen

Would be awesome to have a fountain pen.

KONY 2012!

KoNY 2012-

KONY 2012—Make Kony famous!

Too lazy to watch? It's an attempt to get rid of this evil guy named Kony. This guy, in Africa, abducts hundreds of kids, and forces them to maul, kill, and torture other perfectly innocent people. They are forced to kill their parents, and deform people's faces. They are forced to kill the innocent and bring out the evil in humans that should never be touched.

Apparetly, the government does not take part in other-world countries unless the US economy is in danger, or is at some level of risk. Or, the other way around, if we gain things if we participate in it.

They do not find anything beneficial in arresting this terrible, heartless man, so they did not act out upon it. Think about it. This man is abducting thousands of children, and turning them into monsters that should never be exposed in, or to children. The other children are constantly fleeing, running away, in dreadful fear that they will be abducted.

However, the government cannot ignore hundreds of thousands of citizens, calling and asking for the same thing. They cannot ignore the citizens’ voice, if it is brought to attention, widely around the world.

Nobody knows who Kony is. Though he is number one on the criminal list, people do not know who he is, and therefore, they cannot ask to get him arrested. The mission of Invisible Children is to make Kony famous—not to be celebrated, but so that people know about this man, and they protest, together, for a cause that will help thousands of children.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tea Brewer!

I have an AWESOME idea. It’s an ATB. It’s an Automatic Tea Brewer. I bet you can make these by assembling things related to clocks, to ovens, and then somehow make it work. ANd WALAH! IS THE TEA BREWER! But although making the actual invention may be important, coming up with the idea is as important. You can have all the knowledge and material to make this amazing invention that will help the world, but just not have that idea of that particular amazing invention in your head.

But of course, the other way around, you can have an awesome invention, yet not have the information. But then again, you can just seek, experiment, and find the information you need.



The Automatic Tea Brewer is an idea I inspired myself with. Well, and tea.


Ever wished your mom had your tea ready and waiting every day, so that you could just drink the tea at leisure the minute you came home? But she’s outside working.

Well, here is an excellent solution!

Try the ATB today! Imean, the Automatic Tea Brewer?

Wondering what it is?

No? Well, I’ll tell you anyway. THE AUTOMATIC TEA BREWER is an AMAZING product that you, yes you, can install into your stove so that all you have to do is fill the teapot with water in the morning, and come back with the water steaming and hot, ready to be made into tea!

All you have to do is take apart your oven/stove, install some clock part stuff, and then reassemble your oven! Not too hard, if you just follow the instructions without killing yourself!

What it will essentially do is the clock parts, which are the parts that create the alarm to ring at a certain time, will turn on the stove at a certain time. That way, at exactly 3:00, thirty minutes before you come home, your stove will turn on, and the water inside the teapot will start to boil.

When it is 3:20, ten minutes before you come home, the stove will automatically turn off with the second alarm part.

Then, the water can cool for 10 minutes (tea tastes best at a certain temperature), so that when you come home, all you have to do is add the tea leaves, pour the water into the tea-pot thingy, and then wait for only about ten minutes to have nice, warm tea!

Even better, if you like your tea hotter, or if you like your tea cooler, of if you like longer-boiled tea, whatever it may be, you can edit and change those boiling-times and cooling-times to the way you want!


That’s my idea. Of course, I don’t know how to make it. Sure would be cool if I did.

If any of you people out there know how to make it, please tell me. Not that I’m the sort of person to go to Lowes and buy some tools to take apart the stove and oven, but you know. Just so I know.  C:


Not that anyone reads this besides me, anyhow.

:D Hasta luego, mis amigos!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuna sandwich?

I have developed a cousin of the Tuna Sandwich. It is called a Tuna sandwich?

The Tuna sandwich? derived from a hungry adolescent who had nothing to eat but tuna, bread, and some stuff in the fridge. It was inspired by the rumble in the tummy, and the urge to eat something other than one’s hands.

It is a delicious sandwich for those who enjoy tuna. It will serve as a simple lunch, or a snack.

Serving size enough to feed: 1 averagely hungry human being
Serving: 1 sandwich

1 Whole wheat bagel/bread.
We had those really thin and really flat whole wheat bagel thingys from Costco, pre-cut and stuff. I don’t know what they’re called. But they were yummy.
I suggest that if you don’t have the flat whole wheat sandwich bagel bread thing from Costco, that you use whole wheat bread, or just bread. Not regular bagels.

1 can of Tuna
I have the albacore one. I don’t know what else there are, so don’t ask.
Here’s the link, just so you know the size and amount and stuff… <>

1 full tablespoon of Mayonnaise
For the tuna mixture thingy.

Pepper, Italian Seasoning, or whatever you like in your Tuna Mixture Thingy
I put the ‘Mrs. Dash’ seasoning thing, with some Italian Seasoning. Click on the names for corresponding pictures.

Sliced cheese (or whatever you call them)
You know, those yellow cheese slices wrapped individually, that are cut in squares, that are in those little boxes… You know what I mean. Links: <Link #1> <Link #2>

Fresh, ripe, delicious Tomatoes!
Here is the healthy part. XD I LOVE TOMATOES. I LOVE TOMATOES. …Yeah. Just wanted to specify.

Things you need:

A knife (maybe). One of those small ones, for cutting fruit and stuff.
A toaster oven. (I used a toaster oven and then put it on ‘toast,’ but if you don’t have that, an oven will probably do.)
A fork.
A spoon.
A brain


1. Use the Can Opener to open the Tuna can.

2. Remove excess liquid and put the tuna into a medium-large bowl.

3. Take a fork and mash it a bit (not too much; just so it’s not one clump of cylinder but more of a mixture sort…?).

4. Add one full tablespoon of Mayo. (That’s what I do—it’s just about the right amount. One full teaspoon per every can of tuna.)

5. Add the seasonings that you like (I put in pepper and the Mrs. Dash thing and some Italian seasoning.)

5. Mix it with the fork, kind of mashing it along. (Or with a spoon, whatever you like better.

6. Remove the bagel or bread thing from the box or whatever you call those plastic thingys that hold them. PLASTIC BAG. Yeah. Whatever.

7. Cut the bagel if necessary. (It wasn’t necessary for me. C: )

8. Spread a semi-thin layer of tuna onto the bagel/bread.

9. Slice a thin slice of tomato. Place the thin slice of tomato onto the bagel, on top of the tuna.

10. Take the individually wrapped sliced cheese, remove from wrapper, and place it onto the bagel (on top of the tomato).

11. Place the sandwich into the toaster oven, and toast it. (Or bake it. I guess at 350 for however long it takes for the cheese to semi-melt.)

12. I toast it about one and a half times. It all depends on whether you like burnt or not burnt sandwiches.

13. Remove bagel from toaster oven.

14. Place bagel on an empty plate.

15. Place the other side of the bagel on top (if you like; I usually eat just one half and then make another with the other half and either eat that one myself, or give it to someone else.

16. Enjoy!

Monday, March 5, 2012

3-1 Day; Short? Still keep hope!

Happy 3-1 절! Celebrate Yoo Kwan Sun (유관순) and many other brave citizens’ peaceful fight for Korean freedom!


And I found this awesome website that shows you how to grow:

SO awesome. Now I have a very little, perhaps still no hope. Congrats, Bob, you have a 77% chance of growing!

For those of you who cannot read Korean,

I can’t translate the whole page, but the 77% thing is…

Probability of Growth:

Environment: 26%
Exercise: 20%
Influence: 31%
Genetic: 23%

YOUR CHILD HAS AT LEAST A 77% CHANCE OF GROWTH! If your child’s height is not of the tallest, and does not have the genes of tallness, the other factors in growth such as influence and daily environment make up the 77% chance of your child’s growth possibility.

(Must not get too much stress; Must have enough nutrients and vitamins; Must do many exercises energizing and helping the growth-part-of-your-body (not sure how to say it in English), and parents’ love and care.)

Wow, as if I hadn’t heard this already… but now that they’ve made an official website for short people wishing to grow more, I feel at least 1% of the hope I did not have.

A song that makes no sense

Came up with it on the spot. Has a rhythm, have it all down, just not here.


Doing some 딴짓 and I don’t know why,

Gotta do some homework and I don’t wanna try

but I have to do my homework it’s my duty to do

and I don’t want to do that homework to do

because it’s boring I have a lot I have a test

I sleep late and I’m tired even though I try my best

and it’s ‘cause of that I’m tired every single day

I’m scared it will last to may.

no june.


I hate this life

I hate this life

end it with a knife

oh no

don’t hurt youself

just deal with it

but I really do need something to hit

to express my anger.

towards life.

why me out of all the living things on earth

why me out of all the things that can’t be heard

why me out of all the things that want to be heard

ohoh why

