

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Personality Test?

Perhaps the umpteenth form of another personality test. You’ve seen billions online, billions in iPod apps, “Which animal are you?” “Which color are you?” You know the usual.

Perhaps, a proven personality test (it’s what they all say, though… O.o) may help.

And this one’s interesting.

It’s on your sleeping habits. (Don’t worry, it’s not one of those ‘quizzes’ with five billion completely irrelevant questions like ‘what did you eat for breakfast this morning’ and whatnot.)

“Your subconscious posture shows your personality blah blah blah”?

Apparently, the way you sleep may show your personality, as this website shows:

If you’re too lazy to go onto the website, here is a copy-pasted version.

  • The Foetus: Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax.

    This is the most common sleeping position, adopted by 41% of the 1,000 people who took part in the survey. More than twice as many women as men tend to adopt this position.

  • Log (15%): Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. These sleepers are easy going, social people who like being part of the in-crowd, and who are trusting of strangers. However, they may be gullible.
  • The yearner (13%): People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up their minds, but once they have taken a decision, they are unlikely ever to change it.
  • Soldier (8%): Lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. People who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved. They don't like a fuss, but set themselves and others high standards.
  • Freefall (7%): Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow, and your head turned to one side. Often gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath, and don't like criticism, or extreme situations.
  • Starfish (5%): Lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. These sleepers make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others, and offer help when needed. They generally don't like to be the centre of attention.

    (British thingy, so the spellings may be slightly different..)


    Isn’t that cool? :D


    Work Cited

    “Sleep Position Gives Personality Clue”. BBC News. <>. Updated 16 Sept. 2003. Accessed on 17 April 2012. Web.

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