

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Soaking in Memories

SO… MY COUSINS CAME! Did I already tell you? I don’t remember, and I don’t exactly feel like checking. But anyhow, I have three cousins, whom I shall cleverly nickname Andrew, Steve, and, uh, uh, uh—I forget.

(That’s not their real names, which is obviously why I’m giving you a full name instead of a letter. We ‘named’ them English names just for fun, because the names really do match their personality. But, I forgot what my youngest cousin’s English name is. We’ll just call him H.)

A, S, and H. A is a junior in high school—I mean, in terms of American ways, he’s going to be a senior, but in the country I’m from, it’s not the end of their school year yet, so--

nevermind. He’s a senior in high school. There.

S is the same age as me, freshman.

H is in seventh grade.

They’re all boys.

Which is awesome, because they’re not all dainty and awkward and sit-down-and-study-like, and they’re really fun. A is really good at sports—I mean, we went to the park the other day to play tennis at the court, and you have to keep in mind, my brother and I have gotten lessons for a year. And A never played tennis before. But within three hours, his skills were by far much better than ours. And he’s super nice. Yeah. To me. (Not sure about to his brothers.. xD)

S is really truthful, sometimes too truthful, and he talks a lot. But it’s not like a sassy sort of talk-a-lot, it’s more like, that when you’re talking to him, he talks back and doesn’t exactly not answer. GRAH I don’t know how to explain it. But he’s really nice and fun.

H is really funny, and silly. He plays with my brother a lot, and now, they’re like best friends, hitting each other and fighting one moment and then playing Minecraft together the next. He’s always got a joke or trick up his sleeve, and he, too, talks a lot. In fact, He, my brother, and I share one room to sleep in, and all I hear up until 3:00 in the morning is them fighting over their ‘sleeping territory,’ and then changing subjects to a fart contest (who makes the weirdest fart noise). All the while I’m telling them to please ‘shut up.’ But it’s funny.

They came on Tuesday, and now it’s Sunday, meaning they’ve been here for a total of six days. (OMG ALREADY  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A WEEK HAS PASSED ALREADY!?!?!?!!?!?!?!)

So anyhow, back to the point.

(I never told you the point.)

We went to New York yesterday, and my dad was all stubborn and wanted to take them to Central Park, which honestly, is not a very logical decision, since the weather’s supposed to be, to be subtle, ‘rainy.’

Anyhow, we drove to New York (yep, can’t really go places too much on a train when you have seven people), and we walked all around to Central Park. When we finally got in, my dad wanted us to go to this big lake place, so of course, he pretended he knew something (or maybe he actually did), and made us walk for about an hour. (Of course, after about thirty minutes, we realized we passed ‘this place’ before, in the beginning, implying we were pretty much walking in circles). All the while, there was a light drizzle, enough to have droplets annoyingly plop themselves into my eye. (Glasses don’t help. In fact, they fog your vision more. Droplets on your glasses=demented vision.)

Then, we gave up (or did I already tell you that), and so of course, mother Nature decided to make it pour. Like crazy. The sort of rain that you only see in dramas, where there is a couple who is about to break up and leave or something, I don’t know, one of those cheesy sad rainy scenes. Super DownPour. Literally. We were soaking wet from head to toe.

And it does NOT help that my shoes (flats) were all itchy and full of pebbles and dirt and water. (Turns out my feet were bleeding—the ankle-edge-place, you know. Figured that out AFTER we walked all around Central Park. smart.)

We waited in the rain (while eating rain-soaked KimBap), but then when the rain wouldn’t stop. So we cleverly put the vinyl (from wrapping kimbap) and the lids to the kimbap box, and backpacks, and everything and anything we could get a hold of, over our heads and rain blindly out of Central Park.

We just ran to the Apple store (which is pretty far, in terms of how long we walked). But when we left Central Park, it stopped raining, so it wasn’t THAT bad. I mean, our hair was soaking wet, and so were our clothes and feet, but besides that, it wasn’t THAT bad. Even though seeing people nice’n’dry with umbrellas was the most jealous feeling you could feel at the moment.

The apple store was awesome, because they let you use the new MacBook Pro or something, and it was absolutely exquisitely superbly gourmet a technological meal.

Did that make sense. Who cares. Whatever. You get the point.

And then we went to Times Square and went to the Toys R Us store, bought candy, went to the Disney store, cooed over super cute stuffed animal-characters, and went to some other places, and then went home. By then, we were all semi-dry, smelly, and our legs hurt.

What a beautiful way to spend a day at New York City. I’m sure they’ll remember the place fondly.

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