

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Personality Test?

Perhaps the umpteenth form of another personality test. You’ve seen billions online, billions in iPod apps, “Which animal are you?” “Which color are you?” You know the usual.

Perhaps, a proven personality test (it’s what they all say, though… O.o) may help.

And this one’s interesting.

It’s on your sleeping habits. (Don’t worry, it’s not one of those ‘quizzes’ with five billion completely irrelevant questions like ‘what did you eat for breakfast this morning’ and whatnot.)

“Your subconscious posture shows your personality blah blah blah”?

Apparently, the way you sleep may show your personality, as this website shows:

If you’re too lazy to go onto the website, here is a copy-pasted version.

  • The Foetus: Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax.

    This is the most common sleeping position, adopted by 41% of the 1,000 people who took part in the survey. More than twice as many women as men tend to adopt this position.

  • Log (15%): Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. These sleepers are easy going, social people who like being part of the in-crowd, and who are trusting of strangers. However, they may be gullible.
  • The yearner (13%): People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up their minds, but once they have taken a decision, they are unlikely ever to change it.
  • Soldier (8%): Lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. People who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved. They don't like a fuss, but set themselves and others high standards.
  • Freefall (7%): Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow, and your head turned to one side. Often gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath, and don't like criticism, or extreme situations.
  • Starfish (5%): Lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. These sleepers make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others, and offer help when needed. They generally don't like to be the centre of attention.

    (British thingy, so the spellings may be slightly different..)


    Isn’t that cool? :D


    Work Cited

    “Sleep Position Gives Personality Clue”. BBC News. <>. Updated 16 Sept. 2003. Accessed on 17 April 2012. Web.

    Sunday, April 15, 2012

    The Adventures of Stair Sliding

    Hear, hear. Here is the adventure of stair sliding, or shall I say, here are the Adventures of Stair Sliding.

    Stair sliding, essentially, is the activity, so to say, or rather, unpredicted collision or accident, of sliding down the stairs. It is when you are at the top of the stairs, and the next second, you find your butt bumping down the stairs, finding your legs and feet vestigial to the current purpose.

    This (perhaps painful) ‘activity’ (so to say) is called stair sliding. The aftermath and consequences are not of the brightest. They may include bruising in the anal area, breaking of a tailbone or of the vicinity, and/or grumpiness, depending on how happy or unhappy you are with the outcomes, and how much the pain may be.

    Now that I have explained the sciences to stair sliding, let me tell you my story.

    Hear, hear.


    Read, read.



    I was in a city, at the other side of the country, in this state, which I shall not name (because I don’t want to), but this state I must hint, is at the coast, quite big, and stretches very far (in vertical terms, not in total area). The city, I shall not name, because if I name it, that’s pretty much naming the state, rhymes with ‘Disco’ and starts with SF (two words long).

    I think I’ve given enough obvious clues there.

    Anyway, I was in SF, on a cruise, looking at this island, which was the setting of Al Capone Does my Shirts, which is an awesome book, by the way, and I was genuinely interested. After all, it was the setting of one of the books I’ve read.

    SF does harbor a lot of stories. It’s like the birthplace of all stories, almost. The houses are all colorful and beautiful, it’s a city but has an old country feeling, it reminds me of totally different cities all at the same time, and most of all, it’s peaceful, calm, and sweet. I don’t know how, or why. But it just gives me such a good feeling in my tummy, when I’m walking down the street. Everything’s subject to be in a painting, everything is so colorful, but not the obnoxious sort of colorful, but the colorful that lets you know that this city means no harm and that they are merely, humbly, decorating their homes to have a ‘Home Sweet Home’ feeling.


    I was on a cruise, and then the cruise ended (…yeah. Never knew.), so we were going to get off the boat. But of course, the many many many people in front of us (we were at the very top of the boat thingy and at the very front, meaning we’d be the last ones off the boat), so we decided to take pictures. But THEN, having a mother who is so excited about pictures, practically attacking us with the camera, wanted us to take a picture in front of the stairs (leading to the bottom floor of the boat so we could get off). And somehow, we weren’t the last ones off, and in fact, many were waiting, yet, they could not pass because we were taking a picture right at the stairs (because it was ‘a great view’). Then, feeling a little sympathetic towards the waiting people, I urged my family on, down the stairs, grabbing everything (but the bag and the camera) that my mom had, which was, actually, two hot-chocolate cups, and started going down the stairs.

    Those stairs are steep, slippery, and small.

    I’d just like to let you know.

    My foot just gracefully slipped over one step, and in a frantic wave, I tried to get it to land on the step below that, so I could regain control of my gravity, but my other foot gave way, and the step below that (the one I was trying to reach) was just too far, and I was nearly prostrate on the stairs when I began to slide down the stairs.

    Trust me, they’re not meant for sliding on.

    This all, occurring within about one second, sped by as I could barely realize that I was on the floor, much quicker and much closer than I’d expect to be there, and my butt was throbbing. It hurt.

    Like crazy.

    Apparently, I had slid on my tailbone. My tailbone, no matter how vestigial or whatever structure it is, still has nerves on it, and still can hurt.

    My tailbone hurt.

    So there I was, faking that I was very very fine (just to get out of more humiliation), and quickly sped off the boat.

    Of course, the rest of the day, I was limping around, because my tailbone would not allow me to sit on any given chair, no matter how puffy or hard, without this major pain in my butt.

    So I had to lean forward when sitting, so that my tailbone need not touch any man-made surface.

    You can guess how the rest of that week went by.

    (Don’t even ask about the plane ride home. Red eye flight? Yep. Red eye, indeed.)


    So, I’d like to tell you, I’m fine right now (except for the slight pain when sitting, although I’ve gotten used to it), at least it’s not the needle feeling I had the day after.


    I’d just like to remember this day. {:


    Well, Thanks for reading (probably nobody reads this anyhow), and have a nice day.

    TY A HAND!

    Friday, April 13, 2012

    Ender’s Game

    Is the Best Book In The World (don’t talk about Harry Potter, please, Ender’s Game is a bit better than that).

    I looked it up, and THANK YOU, ORSON SCOTT CARD he wrote a bunch of books. And on the San Fran trip, I read Ender’s Game almost twice, (I’ve read the book once before), meaning I’m reading this for the third time.

    I still can’t fully understand the hidden meaning. I mean, I understand it, I know it, because I can feel somewhere it the pit of my stomach, but I just can’t seem to bring it up and into my brain and hand to write on paper/type.

    And then when I looked up ‘Ender’s Game,’ some of the ‘suggested’ choices thingys was ‘Ender’s Game movie.’

    Then I was thinking, hrmph?

    I searched that, and IMDB says it’s coming out 2013. Plenty of time to read the books, and then watch the movie.

    I can’t wait.


    (IMDB link)


    I love the idea of it.




    I’ll stop.

    (Technically I haven’t even ‘started.’)

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012

    A Slippery Story

    Actually, it’s more of a ‘Semi-Slippery – with – beads – to – help – cleanse – your – hands’ Story.

    But a slippery story in general.

    Because, guess what?



    Yay for helping us stay alive and not die!

    Yay for helping us stay clean and let our hands smell good (or in some cases, intoxicating) when we eat and stuff!

    Yay for the people who keep giving us the soap (as presents)!

    We have one of those soap dispenser thingys (not the ones attached to the walls), kind of like lotion bottles, only with soap? Where you press the knob-ish thingy at the top that’s like a tube sort of thing with a straw sort of thing that dispenses the soap you use.

    We have the ones with beads, and the ones that smell really cool. Right now, we’re using a Caribbean thingy. It smells good from far away, but the smell can get really strong (which refers back to the term ‘intoxicating’ I used to describe the aroma of soap).

    Soap dispenser thingys, believe it or not, have their own minds. They like to play tricks on us, and be all mean to us. They like to mock us, and keep us from washing our hands (so we eventually get the flu or some sort of minor disease thingy).

    What do you say? You don’t believe me? Well, now you will. Here is a slippery story.

    More like a semi-slippery with beads to help—

    Usually, the soap dispenses soap. You press the knob thing really slightly, and a dot of soap comes out. And that dot of soap, containing a bunch of ‘cleansing beads,’ is enough to wash your hands. Serving size: one dot of soap.

    You put a bead of water on top, then scrub your hands like crazy. And you feel the ‘cleansing beads’ in between. For a while, it was tickly, the beads. They were all rolling around my hands and tickling my palms. But then I got used to it.

    Okay, here is my rant on cleansing beads.

    So one day, I had extra time to wash my hands, and I ‘found’ a cleansing bead and rolled it up to my fingertip, and began to rub my two index fingertips together to see if the cleansing bead ever disappeared, you know?

    It did.

    (Either that or I lost it.)

    Well, I got all excited, so I started ‘looking’ in my hands for other beads (you know, if you rub your hands, you can feel them), and tried to make them disappear.

    THAT’S WHEN THEY WERE ALL MEAN. So I was all excited, but when I’d try to make them disintegrate and stuff, they’d just slip out and go somewhere else, you know? Soap is slippery. Figures.

    That was not a rant.


    And then, on with my other story.

    Oh yeah.

    Soap dispensers.

    Anyhow, for a while, the cleansing beads were tickly.

    And that’s not the point.

    Well, I was all used to the ‘squeeze the knob a millimeter and one serving of soap (one dot) comes out’ thing. So I’d squeeze the knob thingy a millimeter.





    I squeezed it a millimeter, because it’s a habit of mine, and the soap WOULDN’T COME OUT. It was being all stubborn. And looking inside the soap dispenser thing (the bottle is clear), I could tell that the dispenser thing was FAR from empty. (It was half full.) So I squeezed it a little more, pressed the knob thingy, I mean, and I kept on pressing the knob because soap WOULDN’T COME OUT. And soap is an essential part of our lives, you know. Without soap, our hands are not “99.9% BACTERIA FREE, GUARANTEED!” (I always thought, where did the 0.1% go?)

    And all of a sudden, in the midst of my anger and pressing the knob about ten times per second and at a high amount of pressure (or whatever you call it, you know), a bunch of soap just shot out of the soap dispenser onto my shirt.

    Please aim for my hands…?

    Well, I am realizing this is a fail of a post. So I’ll just post it now and finish it. The first half of the ‘slippery story’ has been on my computer for over a week.


    Bad post. Whatever.

    Monday, April 2, 2012








    It’s a beauty.


    Away from the teacher (I’m sorry, but you kind of scare me. ); ) and away from the annoying people at my table who make me do all the work (except for S, who is not part of the ‘annoying people’ group I was speaking of a parentheses ago).