

Monday, February 20, 2012

To Do

So here are the things to do when there’s no school and you have done everything you needed:

1. Cook (bake, actually) cookies or muffins.
(Unfortunately, our oven is broken, so this option is not one I will probably take.)

2. Draw
(With the tablet, or with a pencil.)
(Sadly, the tablet does not work well with the double-screen I have set up at my desk, because it’s all funny-working, so I don’t want to draw ‘online.’ I don’t want to draw ‘for-real’, either.)

3. Take pictures
(My brother has confiscated it for his own use. COUGHlegoCOUGH.)

4. Blog
(What I am doing at the moment.)

5. Play around with the blog
(Time consuming, and I don’t feel like doing that today.)

6. Play games (like Plants vs. Zombies).
Did I say? I have the FULL VERSION of Plants vs. Zombies, and Fruit Ninja (got that a while ago), AND Where’s my Water?. Plants vs. Zombies is AWESOME. It’s so addicting. literally. When I close my eyes, I can see the little suns popping out of the sunflowers. I’m starting to get a bit worried, actually. Addiction isn’t always the best thing, you know.

7. Watch a movie

8. Practice my speech that I could have given a week ago.
Probable. Don’t feel like it though.

9. Search the App Store for some good games worth buying
Did I say? I got a $25.00 Gift Card for iTunes, and of course, that means, FREE GAMES THAT YOU BUY! I’ve been researching and looking at reviews and what-not to search for some buy-able games. I found this awesome SAT Mindsnacks game. I’m thinking of getting the full version, because (1) I need to study words, (2) I have terrible vocabulary, (3) I’m not ready for SAT, not that I’m taking it this year or anything. And plus it’s fun. The problem is, it’s $4.99. That’s like one fifth of my total money.
Nahhh it’s a gift card. That’s what they’re for, right?
Well, I’m probably going to buy it.
ANYHOW, I’ve done this (#9) for quite a while. I should actually start buying things.

10. Buy a game on the App Store.
(Read #9)

11. Write a story
Nope don’t feel like it.

12. Learn some more html
Nope don’t feel like it.

13. Read some classical books—any books, for that matter.
(Please visit for more details.)

14. Sleep.
Oh, beautiful, beautiful, ever-lasting, end-less sleep
that gets disturbed by beeeeeeps every morning. D:
And intruded by homework, tasks, chores, and essays.
And speeches.

15. Aimlessly search the internet.
Not suggested.

20. Study some Geometry!
Did that. D:

21. Eat candy
Chocolate, rather.

22. Eat.
Kind of necessary, don’t you think? Unless you’d like to fall on the floor due to malnutrition or dehydration.
(I don’t mean eat right now, at the moment. Eat in general.)

23. Ask Mother for Pepero
No. What a rash act of temerity.

24. Download some more music.

25. Did you notice I repeated number 2 twice? And I switched four and three.

26. Just kidding. :D

27. Drink some tea. Or cocoa. Or…

28. Jumprope

29. Bother mother.

30. Get off the computer and do something worth-while.
Not too likely.



Life is a race. But it is not a race to where, but in fact, to what. It is that what that determines whether you are a winner, or you are not.
It does not matter where in the race you start, because it is not to where you go, but to what. So think about that what and remember. It is not to where. No rush. Time is. Time will never disappear.

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