

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Doomsday Eve

So I’ve realized that there’s a correlation—if not direct, then indirect, but all the same, a correlation, between road-blindness and jobs.

I have this sudden, weighty, heavy feeling that’s keeping my heart stuck to the ground, that yes, I will get lost in school tomorrow. Because of my nearsightedness in terms of maps and places and getting-somewhere, I will definitely have a hard time finding my locker—Imean, on the day of the orientation, I said to every single locker that was at the edge, “Hey, that’s mine!” (Checks) “…Never mind.”

And I’ll be carrying my map around like it’s my new Bible or Word of Law or something, and I will follow it like High-schoolers follow their teacher’s directions. (Let’s assume they don’t.)

(It’s a GIF, by the way. Might not work, though.)

But anyhow, I must find my map and study it like tomorrow’s the final, which it isn’t, thank Goodness, but anyhow, I must study it all the same.

I shall also study my summer reading books, and I will also get my backpack ready.

Then I will be ready.


Of course, the virtual day at school, will include lots of words such as “Lost” “Can’t” “Find” and “Late.” I hope there are lots of friends in my classes. I really, really hope so.


So I’ve gotten ready and all, for school. I have my summer reading books, I have my books and stuff (sort of, they never gave us a list…), and I’ve got my backpack, some clothes, new shoes. Then why, why do I think I’m not ready? Why not?

I really can’t get it registered into my head that TOMORROW I’m going to school. I kind of feel like I’m going to wake up at ten o clock tomorrow, as usual, and then go on the computer, and then eat something when my mom wakes up, and then practice piano, and then sulk around and then draw and do computer some more. (That was basically my summer life.)

I mean, as reality goes—at ten o clock tomorrow, I’ll be eating lunch! (Yes, humans of this Earth. Pity me. I have fourth period lunch. Again.)

(Though I’m kind of planning to eat a super light breakfast and call it 4th period Breakfast and then come home at 2 o clock for a late ‘Lunch'.)

So, back to my first subject. The correlation between road-blindness and jobs. Well, as my virtual school day goes, I’ll wake up, just barely get on the bus (nowait, my mother’s driving me there early.). Actually, I’ll get to school just in time, because I just couldn’t bear to wake up at six a-clock (versus the usual eight or nine o clock in the summer—mostly ten or eleven, but this week, my Mother’s been set on shaking us awake at the early hours of eight or nine). Then, I will somehow find my locker and be two minutes late to gym, which the teacher will kindly nod off, because it’s the first day. (Of course, as this becomes a regular sort-of-schedule, she/he’ll kind of get mad later on in the year…) I will manage to keep my eyes open during first period (did I mention, I sleep with my eyes half open), and then wake up at the bell and get to science, which I shall find with much troubles and upside down maps.

From there, I will probably trip on the stairs once or twice at least, and then stumble on to English, where I nod and forget to be an ‘active participant’ in class (something I resolved to do starting in high school). The teacher shall forever mark me as the ‘Short Asian Girl Who Seems to Not Belong Here And Rather In Bed Or On The Computer.” Then, I will get to lunch, where I sneak into the Band Room to find my Pep Band Music, because I forgot to bring it home last week, and again at the orientation. I will have nowhere to sit or eat, and therefore, crouch in the corner of the band room and skillfully avoid any furtive glances and ominous glares from the band teacher, avoiding all sorts of eye contact.

Then, I will manage to go to Spanish, where I shall be late, because I didn’t know how to get to the Spanish room from the Band room (not the commons), and so the teacher shall forever mark me as ‘The Short Asian Girl Who’s Always Walking In Scared-Looking and Late and Can’t Speak Spanish Well Anyways.’ I will manage to decode two words from her rapid Spanish welcome speech, and then slump on to Social Studies, which, I shall have a hard time finding (because I don’t even remember where it was or what it looked like from the Orientation night—did we even go there?). I shall observe my History teacher and fall asleep in the process, and then be awakened by a fellow sympathetic student who nudges me on out of class. From there, I shall go to Art and then listen to the teacher (more like, look like I’m listening) and look at the cool drawing stuffs around the room, and also think about how my friends are in Band.

From there, the year will plummet to the negatives, and I shall have the worst impression on teacher any student can ever give, and then from there, I shall not get an awesome job.


Sorry, this was more a complaint than a rant, I’m kind of half awake (even though I saw the news and then took a shower, hey, I was awakened at seven thirty, whaddaya expect). I really hope this is a complaint/rant and all it shall be, nothing to do with nonfiction, I truly hope, but right now, I am pretty sure I’m going to get lost on the first few days of school. I’m worried about my road-blindness. I’m not even sure I know how to get to my house from school. And how long have I been living here—for five years. Yes, I am road blind.

I hope I’ll manage to survive and know the school within a week, at least.

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