

Friday, August 24, 2012


Fourth period lunch.

So it calls again.

I shall starve once more.

Here is my virtual day at school:

I stumble into school half-awake and half-wet and half-aware of my current whereabouts. I somehow find my locker, stuff my stuff in, and go to PE. I run a mile, throw up some cereal, and then manage to limp to Science. There, I dissect some frogs and huge annelids, where I promptly throw up once again. From there, I drag myself to English, and then faint from lack of nutrition (from throwing up all the cereal). Then, I finally get to Lunch, where suddenly I get a +3000 Power Up and hyperactively create chaos throughout the Commons. At that, I will miss the end of the period and therefore be late to Spanish, where the teacher curses and spits and screeches at me in Spanish (and I mentally add myself to Teacher Rehab). I somehow drag myself through the lengthy period, unable to decode any of the words the teacher says, and then find myself in Social Studies, where we learn about civilizations and how we are alive. I fall asleep. (Who doesn’t.) After a nice nap, I get overly hyper and then


And then I go home.

Who had PE first period? I’ll be dying. .-.

Am I a freshman? UGH really? A freshman. I refuse to adopt that word into the list of identifying terms that which describe me.

I shall be a…

nothing. I don’t want to be known as anything. I’d just like to be me, that’s all there is to it. Me.

No nicknames,

no identifying terms,

no froshie,

no freshman,

no freshmidget.


yay~ so currently I am not known as anything! I have erased all terms that are used to identify my (1) social status (is there even a social status in this world?), (2) self, (3) level of school-ness.

Maybe I like ninth grader.

But I don’t like freshman.

What is it with me?

Well, I don’t know.


But anyhow, the only thing I like about my schedule is Art (sorry, Band, I am really sorry, but I do like Art too… ^^).

Not even Lunch appeals to me. It’s fourth period. Whaddaya know.

Fourth period lunch brings me back memories—stealing eighteen foam plates, probably fifty plastic spoons, sneaking out to band, escaping the lunch room, skipping class… (because lunch peoples actually thought we were fifth period people who just arrived early—pure luck, lemme tell you).


And what’s even weirder is that my whole schedule, is the SAME EXACT/SAME EXACT (who knows the grammatically correct order, and for that matter, who cares <besides Mr. F .-. >) as last year! Except for Gym and Elective, of course.

Isn’t that weird?

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