

Monday, February 20, 2012

To Do

So here are the things to do when there’s no school and you have done everything you needed:

1. Cook (bake, actually) cookies or muffins.
(Unfortunately, our oven is broken, so this option is not one I will probably take.)

2. Draw
(With the tablet, or with a pencil.)
(Sadly, the tablet does not work well with the double-screen I have set up at my desk, because it’s all funny-working, so I don’t want to draw ‘online.’ I don’t want to draw ‘for-real’, either.)

3. Take pictures
(My brother has confiscated it for his own use. COUGHlegoCOUGH.)

4. Blog
(What I am doing at the moment.)

5. Play around with the blog
(Time consuming, and I don’t feel like doing that today.)

6. Play games (like Plants vs. Zombies).
Did I say? I have the FULL VERSION of Plants vs. Zombies, and Fruit Ninja (got that a while ago), AND Where’s my Water?. Plants vs. Zombies is AWESOME. It’s so addicting. literally. When I close my eyes, I can see the little suns popping out of the sunflowers. I’m starting to get a bit worried, actually. Addiction isn’t always the best thing, you know.

7. Watch a movie

8. Practice my speech that I could have given a week ago.
Probable. Don’t feel like it though.

9. Search the App Store for some good games worth buying
Did I say? I got a $25.00 Gift Card for iTunes, and of course, that means, FREE GAMES THAT YOU BUY! I’ve been researching and looking at reviews and what-not to search for some buy-able games. I found this awesome SAT Mindsnacks game. I’m thinking of getting the full version, because (1) I need to study words, (2) I have terrible vocabulary, (3) I’m not ready for SAT, not that I’m taking it this year or anything. And plus it’s fun. The problem is, it’s $4.99. That’s like one fifth of my total money.
Nahhh it’s a gift card. That’s what they’re for, right?
Well, I’m probably going to buy it.
ANYHOW, I’ve done this (#9) for quite a while. I should actually start buying things.

10. Buy a game on the App Store.
(Read #9)

11. Write a story
Nope don’t feel like it.

12. Learn some more html
Nope don’t feel like it.

13. Read some classical books—any books, for that matter.
(Please visit for more details.)

14. Sleep.
Oh, beautiful, beautiful, ever-lasting, end-less sleep
that gets disturbed by beeeeeeps every morning. D:
And intruded by homework, tasks, chores, and essays.
And speeches.

15. Aimlessly search the internet.
Not suggested.

20. Study some Geometry!
Did that. D:

21. Eat candy
Chocolate, rather.

22. Eat.
Kind of necessary, don’t you think? Unless you’d like to fall on the floor due to malnutrition or dehydration.
(I don’t mean eat right now, at the moment. Eat in general.)

23. Ask Mother for Pepero
No. What a rash act of temerity.

24. Download some more music.

25. Did you notice I repeated number 2 twice? And I switched four and three.

26. Just kidding. :D

27. Drink some tea. Or cocoa. Or…

28. Jumprope

29. Bother mother.

30. Get off the computer and do something worth-while.
Not too likely.



Life is a race. But it is not a race to where, but in fact, to what. It is that what that determines whether you are a winner, or you are not.
It does not matter where in the race you start, because it is not to where you go, but to what. So think about that what and remember. It is not to where. No rush. Time is. Time will never disappear.

Complaint: Speeches

I would like to file a complaint to the manager of Speechgiving--

Recipient: Manager of Speechgiving
From: An Annoyed Student


I hate speeches.

And especially if I have to practice it for a week. Or two.

So this is what happened: My teacher, Let’s just call him Mr. A, just to fill in the blank.

Mr. A, my English Literature teacher ( C: it sounds so official.) told us we had to give a speech on anything we liked. He told us this on, let’s say, Monday. Or Tuesday. I forget. Whatever.

He then gave us time in class on Wednesday to research on the topic. Then he spent Thursday and Friday somewhere else with us stuck with a sub.

He told us the speeches were due Monday. That gives just less than a week to research, write, and practice a speech! For a “major grade.” D:

So we all (hopefully everyone) stressed out and practiced over the weekend. I did, at least. I spent Sunday, in a car going to New York, mouthing my speech (because if I said it out loud, my brother would recite along with me, which is not convenient at all).

I was all, “I’M READY FOR THIS. (…not.)” by Monday.

Guess what?

We walk into class, Mr. A goes, “Hey, guys, your speeches are postponed to next Monday.”

Naturally, I felt a combination of anger and happiness. Anger because I COULD HAVE SPENT ALL THAT TIME IN THE CAR PLAYING GAMES and not reciting speeches on Death Penalties, and I was stressing out over nothing. And it meant another week of stressing out and practicing.

And happiness because, well, I didn’t have to go up today. Or tomorrow. Until Friday.

SO I was so happy that I didn’t practice. And therefore I was not ready the following Monday.

He called up volunteers on the day of the speech-giving. And apparently, many of my peers felt the same emotion as me, as they wanted to get it over with and stop getting stressed for two weeks.

Then on Tuesday. I did not go up.
Wednesday, I did not go up.

Thursday, I was planning to—but a person who was very good at speech-giving engrossed us into a speech and somehow tricked us into thinking this was a college course and we were free to ask questions for the whole period. So basically, Thursday, we spent class time asking questions about how disgusting McDonald’s really is (not the taste, the health).

And Friday we had off because of President’s Day Weekend.

Therefore, Here I am, much stress on mind, for around three weeks. And still not ready. If only he had not postponed, I would have been ready to give the speech. And I would not be filing this considerably very long complaint.


Anyhow, Mr. Speech Manager,

Please prohibit speeches from all classrooms around the world. That is what I would like to suggest.

Nawjustkidding, because when I go up to present when I get a job (if I get a job, that is), I’ll probably have no idea how to present.

But just for the fun of it.




An annoyed student who doesn’t like speeches and public speaking.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Photo Clip

William Sleator’s House of Stairs


House of Stairs by William Sleatorjpg

House of Stairs by William Sleatorpng

hospng filled

Friday, February 10, 2012

Playing Farmer

So Mother was cooking spaghetti, and she had the box of raw spaghetti noodles in the box out, and I walked over.

I took a spaghetti noodle (raw) and stuck it in my mouth, like those farmers do, only they probably don’t use spaghetti noodles, they use wheat or something. I don’t know.

It’s just fun, and it’s cool, pretending to be a farmer.

Except  I didn’t do anything much more farmer-like than the noodle in my mouth.

But it’s still fun to think about it anyhow.

My brother of course followed me.


Raw noodles  in your mouth = Playing farmer!

Let’s play farmer!



So I’m testing out this font that I’ve downloaded on Windows Live Writer to see if the fonts shows up online if I use this font here when typing the post.

Go to or something like that to find an awesome website with cute handwriting fonts! For ABSOLUTELY FREE! And it’s so prettyful.


I love it.

And with this awesome new laptop, I feel I can do almost anything in the world. I feel so achieved. I have my own private laptop to do things with. It’s a wonderful feeling.

It is.


I’m making cookies tomorrow, so I’m probably going to post some pictures. Yummy oatmeal cookies for youth group in church! C:


Some people say it’s going to snow tomorrow, some people say it’s going to snow a lot.

All I Know is, if it ever snows, it’ll be pretty--

for sure.

It’ll be like flakes in the wind, gently touching against the skin of Mother Earth,

beautifying anything it blesses to touch.

Snow is pretty on anything


when there’s that thin, crystally layer,

when the snow comes down ever so steadily,

that you have that urge to bend back and stick your tongue out.

Snow is pretty on everything,

even grass, even benches, even trees, even the earth-damaging, air-polluting cars.

It’s makes everything so naiive and beautiful,

so that it covers everything

and shields it with a layer of pure


and beauty.

Snow is pretty on anything and everything,

but it doesn’t last long.

It goes away,

because of the roaring trucks

and people mushing it up,

turns into brown muddy snow,

that beauty corrupted,

I can go on forever with this,

so I’ll stop now,

Because I have to work on my speech,

Adios. Hasta luego. Tengo que hacer mi tarea.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Psychology in Fonts?

So I got an awesome new/old laptop (was my Dad’s old one, he got a new one so he gave this one to me). And so I changed around the settings for Google Talk. Then I played around with the fonts on it.

And I got this cool font on GTalk that’s like a handwriting font. And the names of all my contacts and chat messages are all in that font. Everything.

And as I was typing and chatting with a friend, I realized…

is it me, or am I writing a bit more…


With more ease and with

less thought of

what they would think about?

More casual?

Less careful?


I write in the tone that fits the font?


Maybe this has something to do with psychology. And it’s scaring me, because it feels like it may change my personality, almost, or my appearance-personality online.


Which is strange.

Just an observation. What do you think?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I am not good at it.
I mean, I can solve it.
But slowly.
With the manual.

But it's fun,
so I tried memorizing it,
which I did,
up to the last step,
where the cube's being stupid and won't let me solve it accordingly with the manual.

I saw some videos,
speed cubing, apparently it's called.

O: Reminds me of speed stacking!
:P 40 seconds or something like that. (with those red outside, white inside, plastic cups they sell at Costco)

I saw this:
Which is absolutely AMAZING.
Which I want, because it's easier.

People suggest Cube4You cubes, so yeah.

The end.