

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Return of the Human & Phases

So I am alive. Surprise! Thought I had died?

Well, due to the stash of food and air in my home, I am fully (halfway, actually) awake and ready to confront anything (but spiders and millipedes).

I really am sorry not for writing these days, I’ve been awfully busy. Let me give you an update on my life. I bet you’ve been dying to see how I’ve been dying. (Because getting older means you’re closer to death, so everyone in a sense, is dying.)

Here are the updates.

1. I am still bad at tennis.

2. I am still sleepy.

3. I am still short.

4. I am still stressing over things not ought to be stressing over.

5. I am still a human.

6. I still go to school.

7. I still don’t enjoy math class too much.

8. I am still learning.

9. I’ve finally replaced my broken earrings (which were resting on my ears before I decided to put on some not-broken ones).

10. My Dad’s in a Phase.


I’m sure the first nine updates are very appealing. But I’d like to specify on the very last update. The Phase.


Here, let me give you a definition.

Phase- n. a state of mind in which someone is so obsessed with a certain subject or action that they must go to great measures to do whatever they can to continue with this subject or action so that it drives everyone else crazy. Also known as temporary obsession.

Of course, I have my own Phases. Right now, I am in no Phase.

My father definitely is.

You see, the whole Phase thing probably came from my dad. My mom never goes through Phases. I mean, she gets interested in things and all, but she doesn’t get super obsessed and then drops it.

My father, on the other hand, definitely has obvious Phases.

Here are some Phases he’s been through:

1) The ocarina Phase. I brought home an Ocarina after coming home from Korea, and then my father just took off with it. He played it every day, and despite the fact that he was in the basement playing it, the loud music spread even to the first and second floor, so that it drove us all crazy. The too-too isn’t always so soothing when you’re not an Ocarina-Virtuoso. He still has the tens of hundreds of sheet music on his iPad.

2) The Electronics Phase. Speaking of iPads… At one point, my father decided that our house needed major updating. So he went off to his computer and ordered just about fifty electronic things, ranging from speakers to earphones to iPads and kindles. Not a very long phase, though.

3) The Guitar Phase. His alleged skills in guitar-strumming were finally revealed when he was raving to buy one. Instead of waiting patiently to buy a good guitar, we went off to Target to buy one. Strum strum strum, twaaaang. …Beautiful guitar-playing skills, let’s just say.

4) House Arranging Phase. Here, we are finally nearing the present. My father was quite fond of moving sofas and tables around for a time. I guess it was a good sort of phase, because it burned at least two calories. I’m assuming.  (Hoping.) He would rearrange the basement, rearrange the living room, decide that the sofa’s not put in the right spot, switch bookcases, and all the while, put the wrong things in the wrong places, and mixing all of our belongings up, so that I’d be scouring through the house looking for the camera, while my brother’s looking up and down for the scissor. Although, it was quite amusing, having a different living room every week.

5) The IKEA Phase. Ahhh, alas. The present. I have coined this Phase the IKEA phase, because IKEA sells furniture, and IKEA sounds darn better than furniture. It sounds all red and white and black-y. Modern-y. Minimalistic.
Anywho. This is the current phase my father has indulged himself in. And it’s a combination of furniture and the house arranging phase. He is now moving everything around (between floors, even), and also buying new furniture to add ‘homey touches’ to our already homey home. We’re got about three new lamps, a new rolly drawer thing, bookcases from downstairs, while bookcases on the first floor now in the basement, a new table to dine on, a supposed color-theme in our living room (I’m not sure whether it’s a living room—what is a living room, exactly?)… Oh yeah, and a mirror. And a colorful drawer thing.
It’s all very amusing. The piano’s in a new spot, and the sound’s SOOO much better. It’s all echo-y, and much louder and fuller. I like it. So, all in all, the IKEA phase isn’t too bad. I mean, the Ocarina one was pretty---loud, to put it that way.

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