

Monday, January 2, 2012

Winter Break Complaint

I would like to file a complaint to the guy who just made my winter break pass by so quickly?

It's terrible. Imean, I had all these wonderful plans--to wake up early, to do all of my stuff (homework, math, piano, whatnot) before lunch, and then do whatever I want for the rest of the day.
Whatever I want meaning: reading, writing, watching some Asian TV, cooking (cookies), drawing, going on the computer, sitting and lolling about, you know.
But, no. The minute I wake up, it's already Monday night, and I'm going to school tomorrow, and I feel as sick as a bunny (if bunnies are sick, anyhow). It's terrible.

Here is the official complaint:

Complaint title: Winter Break Complaint (Creative, eh?)
Complaint to: Mr. Time
Complaint message:
Why did you make time go by so quickly? Why do you always take that time away just when I'm having fun? Why do you always have to take things away from us?
Complaint sent.


Time might take things away, but time will also bring about the new.

The sole meaning of me living is now deprived from me--those hopes, dreams, and aspirations of what-to-do during winter break--gone.
Just flew away, like time does.
All that is left of my life now is school. School, school, school. Study, study, study. Rip your head out because of tests, projects, and essays. And homework. Sleep at twelve, sleep at twelve, sleep at twelveandanhourpastthat. AAAND wake up early, early early. Until I fall dead one day, and everyone will finally say SCHOOL IS BAD FOR YOU, but it won't be use to me, because I'd already be dead. So everyone will have fun after I die.
No point in life, no point in life, no point in life.

Yes there is!
Oh, yes there is!
Want me to prove it?
Whoever you are, prove it all you want, but it'll still be over. Over.

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