

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Regarding the CT Tragedy

There are so many people who are saying that "I give my hearts out to those who have lost their loved ones" blah blah blah... and I guess it's my turn to say that, too.
We're all so horrified and saddened by this heartless tragedy that I never imagined could happen. (Though so many people are saying "my heart goes out"... maybe it's the right term that you're supposed to use? Anyhow, it's actually the first time I've heard that phrase..)
I feel terrible that so many people are resorting to violence to express themselves,  as if they have no other way that people would understand. I feel bad for the man who killed so many people, for the people who were killed, and for the kids who survived.
And this goes along with the theme of depressing books we're reading in school these days--we actually recently read by William Golding (sorry unable to use underline or italics right now). Imean--I feel bad for the kids who had to go to heaven so early in their life, but I also feel bad for the kids who are still alive. They had to go through that hell, just like everyone else in the school--and then survive to have that memory with you for the rest of your life. In that day, their whole lives were changed. Can you imagine--being a seven year old, with yet to learn, cherish, and laugh in this world--can you imagine being seven and seeing your friend bleed to death? Can you imagine realizing that your best friend, whom you were planning to invite to your birthday party--was now a lifeless body among so many others? What kind of impact would that make on their minds? What kind of impact would that make on history? 
It makes me so angry that someone would go as far as to trespass into a school--an ELEMENTARY school--to recklessly shoot and kill. And not only that, ruin a bit of history by denting so many young minds who could have changed the world. Who could have lived a perfectly happy life, with no dark shadows engufing their minds. 
Everything's for a reason, I think, and I don't think that the man went to the elementary school just because he wanted to, or just because his mother (mother, was it?) was a teacher there. There obviously must be some sort of grudge in his past that lead him to acting this way. But whatever it is, I'm becoming more and more disgusted with humanity these days. 
What's with all these shootings? What's with the violence? 

And some people keep changing the subject back to gun control. And yes, I have my opinions on that. But putting gun control aside, what's been making so many people /use/ that gun so much these days as opposed to, say, ten years ago? I grieve for not only the lives that could have been lived, but the lives that could have been lived freely, and the life that could have been happier.