

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cairo Comic

Yeah, I know. Primitive. Lame. Stupid.
But I made it for a project, and hey, what's the harm of saving it?
We're learning about the Egyptians and Hebrews, by the way. (Not together--first we learned about the Egyptians, now about the Hebrews.)

And it's part of a project. :D


Thursday, December 1, 2011

In case you're not Korean, (which most cases, you probably aren't), don't use google translate. It's terrible.
The grammar and sentence structure is different than that of English grammar and sentence structure, so it messes up the program. Use it for words--and not even then.
The title just says 'I like Pepero<3333'

So I came up with this awesome idea. No. Wait.
Actually, it's not too awesome, and I didn't come up with it.
My dad did.
So you're probably disinterested now, since I said the phrase 'my dad', and that immediately makes about 78.2% of you go somewhere else. Or worse yet, 'X' the screen out and run away from the computer in fear. For the 21.8% of you who are still reading this, congratulations.
It's still an okay idea, I guess.
Since I'm so mean to my brother--wait. I take that back. Since I'm rarely kind to my brother, my dad came up with this okay idea.
He made a point system.
It's called "칭찬포인트" which in English is "Compliment Point."

So if I compliment my brother kindly and truthfully, I get a 'Compliment Point'.
If I get ten points, I get a small prize.

And the prize is....
You guessed it.
Pepero. 빼빼로! :D

And I'm eating a box right now.
Aren't you proud? I complimented my brother TEN TIMES this week.
Three points so far, back from square one. Seven to go! :D
Gotta get those boxes of Pepero off that shelf into my mouth! O:

Here's an awesome picture:

Awesome. Yes. I told you.