

Friday, February 10, 2012


So I’m testing out this font that I’ve downloaded on Windows Live Writer to see if the fonts shows up online if I use this font here when typing the post.

Go to or something like that to find an awesome website with cute handwriting fonts! For ABSOLUTELY FREE! And it’s so prettyful.


I love it.

And with this awesome new laptop, I feel I can do almost anything in the world. I feel so achieved. I have my own private laptop to do things with. It’s a wonderful feeling.

It is.


I’m making cookies tomorrow, so I’m probably going to post some pictures. Yummy oatmeal cookies for youth group in church! C:


Some people say it’s going to snow tomorrow, some people say it’s going to snow a lot.

All I Know is, if it ever snows, it’ll be pretty--

for sure.

It’ll be like flakes in the wind, gently touching against the skin of Mother Earth,

beautifying anything it blesses to touch.

Snow is pretty on anything


when there’s that thin, crystally layer,

when the snow comes down ever so steadily,

that you have that urge to bend back and stick your tongue out.

Snow is pretty on everything,

even grass, even benches, even trees, even the earth-damaging, air-polluting cars.

It’s makes everything so naiive and beautiful,

so that it covers everything

and shields it with a layer of pure


and beauty.

Snow is pretty on anything and everything,

but it doesn’t last long.

It goes away,

because of the roaring trucks

and people mushing it up,

turns into brown muddy snow,

that beauty corrupted,

I can go on forever with this,

so I’ll stop now,

Because I have to work on my speech,

Adios. Hasta luego. Tengo que hacer mi tarea.

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