

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today I missed the bus.

Every day, I wake up late.
Because every night, I sleep late. Almost to the extent that I can say every morning, I sleep late.
But sleeping late results to waking up late, which results to many things.

Like missing the bus.

Every other day, I have to go to band--riding the high school bus (oOOH HIGH SCHOOLERS). I'd drag myself to the bus stop, half awake, then drag myself onto the bus, search wearily for an empty two seater (unless my friend is there, in which case, I must find a three seater---and it's always me who has to find the seat because I get on the bus first), and if I do (which, most of the time, I do), I sit there.
And to tell other people that they are NOT going to sit next to me, I put my backpack there. Or I sit in the MIDDLE of the two seater, so only two half-people can technically sit next to me, and nobody there is a half-person.
Most of the time, that works.
Except for this one time I forgot to do that, and this high schooler (girl) suddenly almost sat on my lap, so I couldn't help moving over, and I looked at her--she was smiling at me.
I was thinking 'do I know you?' But of course, I kept quiet, because what do you know--high schoolers might do anything sudden, such as yell at you or suddenly start reciting a stream of profanity.
Anyhow, besides that one time, the two-seater thing worked.

So I went to the bus stop, and my friend wasn't there, so I thought, 'Oh, well, I have to find a two seater today, then.'
And I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And the bus came, and it PASSED RIGHT BY ME and I put my hands up like 'WHAT THE FLOWERS! GEEZUS LOUISEUS HELLO I'M RIGHT HERE!'
But it passed by, and as it did, I caught a glimpse of the bus driver--a scrawny looking man, instead of the usual chubby old lady who would slump in her seat and grunt 'good morning' the moment you laid a foot on the bus.
So it wasn't my bus. It was another school's bus, because I knew that three buses came to our neighborhood--that bus, our Holmdel High School bus, and the short bus. I'm sure there are others, but that's the only ones that come during the time the Holmdel bus comes.
The bus that passed by me today and totally ignored me usually came AFTER the Holmdel bus, in which case, told me that I'd missed the bus today.
And the short bus comes before the Holmdel bus comes, and it stops right in our court. I've never seen anyone get on, but I assume it's for people with disabilities--the short buses usually give that purpose.
Anyhow, I saw the bus driver, and it hit me--I'd missed the bus.
But, unlike any normal eighth grader would have done, I waited a bit more, in desperate hopes.
the bus didn't come.

So I dragged myself back home, which, in the state of the situation, I was a bit alarmed, so I was three fourths awake (very awake, compared to the usual ratio of awake/asleep-ness). And I walked inside the house, imagining the possibilities, the reactions my mother would make--
Too late, I had already opened the door--no time anymore to prepare myself for her reaction.
I waited, very patiently, for footsteps stomping down the stairs.
But no.
This is my mother--
And what choice do I have? Walk to school? Drive to school?
Wait for the Satz bus to come.
I had no choice but to wait.

Now that I think about it, I think my mother said that 'I have to learn a lesson' because she just didn't feel like getting out of her bed at the time. Maybe... :D
So, as I was waiting for fifty minutes, I wrote this post--and finished it when I came home--which is now. :D

SO, that's what happened today.

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